cover image: Kootenay Regional Workforce Table : Kootenay regional skills training plan



Kootenay Regional Workforce Table : Kootenay regional skills training plan

31 May 2013

With continued and greater collaboration and engagement on the part of all parties, and especially employers, the Kootenays can ensure that its residents, businesses, training providers and communities are positioned to meet the challenges and realize the benefits from the coming economic activities forecast for the region. [...] Key components of the research for the Training Plan included: • Determination of high demand occupations in the Kootenays, and the skills and training required to fill employment demand; • Identification of current training offerings in the region, gaps, and opportunities for more effectively aligning programs with regional needs. [...] Process for Developing the Training Plan The Kootenay Regional Workforce Table is supported by the College of the Rockies and Selkirk College acting as the Secretariat. [...] The KRWT conducted the following activities to develop the Plan: • Determined the training and employment needs for the Kootenay region as a whole, for the short, medium and long term. [...] Given the current and future demand for trades workers, the prevalence of trades workers in the region provides a solid foundation for attracting individuals to the trades and for organizations to support apprenticeships.
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Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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