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Persistence and academic success in university

16 Jul 2011

The postal code in the OUAC data allows us to link the residence of the student’s family at the time of application to the corresponding census neighbourhood data for Enumeration Areas (EA) in 1996 and Dissemination Areas (DA) in 2001 and 2006. [...] The same is true of the remaining estimates in Table 3. Column 3 of Table 3 contains the coefficients from the second regression in Table 3 in which the dependent variable is the cumulative credits passed two years after entry. [...] In each figure, we started with the sample mean or proportion of the dependent variable in our sample for males with a high school grade average in the range from 80 to 85 and then drew the figures using the estimated regression coefficients to calculate the estimated values for the other high school grade averages.20 Figures 2a through 2d indicate that the strong relationship between high school [...] In Figures 5a and 5b, the differences in university grade averages between individuals from schools with the smallest proportion of high standardized math scores and those from schools with the largest proportion of high standardized math scores are all 1.5 percentage points or less 21 In this and the next four charts,the slopes of the line segments indicate the ‘importance’ of better high school [...] Moreover, the coefficients and standard errors for the individual and neighbourhood variables in the school fixed effects model area very similar to those in Table 3.22 For the model in Row 6, we included a fixed effect for each Enumeration/Dissemination Area in our sample along with the individual and high school variables.
higher education education school curriculum research academic achievement regression analysis students university examination college interaction further education college attendance teaching and learning eqao admission academia fixed effects fixed effects model double cohort coefficient of determination statistical methods likelihood function percentile r-squared likelihood grading (education) prediction of scholastic success likelihoods terciles tercile eqao


Dooley, Martin D

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