cover image: Thinking outside the MDG box : Thinking outside the Millennium Development Goals box



Thinking outside the MDG box : Thinking outside the Millennium Development Goals box

5 Feb 2013

Taking Stock of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Looking Ahead to the Post-2015 Era ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) and The Canadian Association for the Study of International Development (CASID) would like to thank its respective staff teams, boards and members for their enthusiastic support for the idea of this conference and participation [...] The panel reflected on the context in which the MDGs were developed, the widening inequalities of the current development framework, the need to incorporate the view of the poor and marginalized into the conversation. [...] As we engage in discussion of a post-2015 agenda, the conference sought to look back at the strengths and limitations of the MDGs, recall the critiques made when the MDGs were first introduced by donor countries, Identify the lessons learned over the past ten years and the changing global context, with a view to identifying the parameters that will fill these gaps and help frame a successor framew [...] By illustrating the parallel trajectories of education and human development, Gérin-Lajoie reflected upon the MDGs and the role they have played improving the lives of the poor globally. [...] Starting from the grassroots level, CSOs have the ability to change the course of the development narrative, broadening the scope to respond to ordinary people’s needs.
economic development health gender equality environment sustainable development goals aid gender education politics sustainability economy poverty empowerment aids child mortality corporate social responsibility economic assistance economic policy sustainable sdgs aid effectiveness further education society economic inequality global development mdgs virus disease fragile state mdg post-2015 agenda post-2015 framework
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