cover image: LGBTQ+ student experience survey report : Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning plus student experience survey report



LGBTQ+ student experience survey report : Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning plus student experience survey report

6 Nov 2015

Respondents were directed to a link hosted on the OUSA website, which led Any Ontario university student with a sexual to the opening letter and the survey itself. [...] Based on their start and finish or telephone surveys are able to select a times, and the similarity of answer sets, a small random sample of the target population, and number of ineligible respondents attempting after attaining a sufficient response rate, can to retake the survey immediately after being be assured that their results reflects hold true disqualified were identified and screened amon [...] To Additionally, as the survey was advertised minimize the extent to which this priming effect mostly through OUSA’s and affiliated might have influenced responses, these less social media networks, it likely that most neutrally phrased questions were placed at the responses come from students at the seven end of the questionnaire. [...] While some responses indicate participation from students elsewhere, such as Windsor and Ottawa, due to the anonymity and security built in to the survey, it is impossible to tell how far the survey “snowballed.” Given the uncertainty regarding distribution and representativeness of the sample, care must be taken when generalizing the results of this survey. [...] To measure students’ broad impres- sions of their campus climate, responses to the statement “I feel comfortable and included on campus” were combined and coded into two categories, ‘high’ comfort and inclusion and ‘low’ comfort and inclusion.
health gender education politics school psychology research culture homosexuality sex social sciences lgbt gender identity further education society sexual orientation interpersonal relationships questionnaire queer heterosexuality heterosexual human sexuality gays and lesbians genderqueer cisgender non-binary homosexuality and education asexuality sexual minority college students homophobia in schools


Rose, Zachary J

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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