cover image: Long-term outcomes of Manitoba's InSight mentoring program



Long-term outcomes of Manitoba's InSight mentoring program

6 Oct 2015

Objective 2: Program Outcomes Taken from the InSight Database Outcomes important for the prevention of FASD include the following: •. Lower alcohol use and higher rates of abstinence during and at exit from the program, compared to the period before program entry: •. 21.3% of women achieved at least six months of abstinence during the program; •. 54.5% of women achieved at least six months of abst [...] We looked for statistical differences in the pattern of change over time for the entire period as a whole between the InSight participants and the comparison group. [...] The ultimate goal of InSight is to reduce the prevalence of drinking during pregnancy and the number of children born with FASD. [...] The specific objectives of this evaluation were to: 1. Describe the characteristics of InSight participants before and at program entry using both the InSight Database and the Population Health Research Data Repository (Repository). [...] Chapter 4 addresses Objectives 1 and 5 and contains information drawn from both the InSight database and the Repository to describe the characteristics of the InSight participants before and at program entry.
health education healthcare school science and technology pregnancy research alcoholism birth control contraception medical research medicine prenatal care social sciences international statistical classification of diseases and related health problems depression substance abuse privacy further education contraceptive health treatment confidence interval fetal alcohol syndrome fasd fetal alcohol spectrum disorder statistical relative risk relative risks statistical hypothesis testing


Ruth, Chelsea, Brownell, Marni, Isbister, Jill

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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