cover image: Integrating technology in vehicles and infrastructure



Integrating technology in vehicles and infrastructure

4 Apr 2012

This paper discusses some opportunities that communications and information technology presents for transportation policy. The breath of this topic is quite large and no paper of reasonable length can hope to address the depth of issues that might be considered. The task is narrowed somewhat by examining primarily the role of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in public and private transportation. This section provides background on the development of ITS. Subsequently, the paper sets out some the emerging opportunities for ITS in urban transportation. This is followed by applications of ITS for inter-city freight and passenger movement. The paper concludes with a discussion of policy issues that derive from this survey of technical change.
environment economics infrastructure e-commerce science and technology accidents air traffic control air transport communications electronics industries intelligent transportation systems mobile communication systems road transport roads transport economic sector congestion road traffic artificial objects parking car technology and engineering intelligent transportation system transportation engineering positive train control nextgen electronic toll collection next generation air transportation system


Prentice, Barry

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