cover image: Nunavut suicide prevention strategy action plan, September 1, 2011 - March 31, 2014



Nunavut suicide prevention strategy action plan, September 1, 2011 - March 31, 2014

10 Sep 2011

When the Strategy was tabled in the Nunavut Legislature in October, 2010 the Partners formed the Nunavut Suicide Prevention Strategy Implementation Committee to develop a companion document in 90 days, which would outline the Actions required to implement the Strategy. [...] The Action Plan also commits the Implementation Committee, consisting of all Partners, to ongoing evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of the Strategy’s goals and objectives, to ensure a continuing momentum as well as continuing accountability and responsibility by each of the Committee member organizations to ensure the vision as outlined in the Nunavut Suicide Prevention Strategy and [...] While the Department of Health and Social Services will play the central role in mobilizing the GN, other departments such as Education, Justice, and Culture, Language, Elders and Youth will be equally committed to implementing this Strategy.” “Therefore, the GN commits to improving its overarching approach to suicide prevention by mobilizing its departments to do more in the area of suicide preve [...] Providing a comprehensive continuum of care – from diagnosis to clinical counselling to community-based Inuit healing – will improve well-being and reduce the level of risk that these people face.” "Therefore the Partners commit to working together to address the current gaps in service, to build a larger cadre of mental health professionals, and to improve the cultural appropriateness of mental h [...] Offer Departmental support 2.8 Provide greater support Lead: GN HSS Develop a plan to provide greater support to April 2012 Increased and ongoing support to to communities and front- In partnership with communities and front-line workers in the event of a Completion communities and front-line workers to line workers in the event of a NTI, ELC and other 'cluster' of suicides in a community.
health education politics school curriculum domestic violence child development mental health research best practices evaluation behavioural sciences medicine suicide early childhood development best practice evidence-based medicine suicide prevention resilience evidence-based further education abuse teaching and learning health treatment preschool healthy developmental psychology evidence base childhood development
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