cover image: CBDC Governance: Programmability, Privacy and Policies - Ori Freiman


CBDC Governance: Programmability, Privacy and Policies - Ori Freiman

7 Mar 2024

Headquartered understanding of the socio-economic and technological in Waterloo, Canada, CIGI has received support impacts of digitalization and improve the quality and from the Government of Canada, the Government relevance of related research. [...] In light of the concerns, the following section raises the question of whether CBDC is required, and argues in favour of legislative protection of cash and further public participation. [...] Otherwise, automating collection of fines may violate the autonomy of the individual, the right to a fair trial and the principle of the presumption of innocence. [...] Questioning the Need of a CBDC Do we need this new technology? In light of the monetary and economic concerns discussed earlier in the first section, governance and design challenges examined in the second section and the social concerns raised by programmability and surveillance in the third section, it is understandable that CBDC and its nature are heavily debated. [...] In the European Union, members of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) have sent a letter to the European Central Bank, requesting to postpone the introduction of the digital euro (Members of the ECON Committee of the European Parliament 2023).
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