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Understanding Variability in the Cost of a Standard Hospital Stay

5 Jun 2017

Second, an adjustment to the CSHS methodology to mitigate the impact of multi-year inpatient stays should increase the stability 6 Understanding Variability in the Cost of a Standard Hospital Stay and accuracy of the indicator over time without affecting the variation among peers within a given year. [...] In general, the smaller the hospital, the greater the distance to the mean (Figure 4). [...] Over the course of the analysis, the EAG offered feedback on various components of the report and helped to validate the results of the analyses. [...] Nevertheless, the results indicate that the variability of the indirect expenses has relatively little influence on the variability of the indicator as a whole. [...] The net effect on the CSHS will be to increase the denominator and therefore decrease the value of the CSHS.
health economics economy economies of scale employment literature mathematics medicine nursing inpatients productivity health care therapy hospital regression canadian institute for health information errors and residuals inpatient coefficient of variation coefficient of determination arithmetic mean p-value standard error case mix index
Published in
Ottawa, ON, CA


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