Over the course of 35 years, the pattern of who lives where Many of the questions asked in the 1971 census are still in Toronto on the basis of socio-economic characteristics has used in current census forms; therefore it is possible to analyse changed dramatically. [...] Projection by R. Maaranen 2), average individual incomes in 66% of the city’s census THE NUMBER OF MIDDLE-INCOME NEIGHBOURHOODS tracts (341 census tracts), were close to the average income for IN THE CITY OF TORONTO HAS DECLINED the. [...] The decline in the number of middle-income neighbour- AGE PROFILE CITY OF hoods has also occurred in the rest of the CMA, although to a CITY 1 CITY 2 CITY 3 TORONTO smaller extent. [...] However, in the five years between 2001 and 2006, the population of City #2 and City #3 declined slightly, while the population of City #1 increased, primarily because of new residential condominium development in the central area of the city. [...] In the City of Toronto, in 25% of all census tracts, aver- or more years in each of the neighbourhood groups age individual income consistently went down relative to the CMA average during each census period; most of these census tracts (115 CITY OF CITY 1 CITY 2 CITY 3 out of 128) are in City #3 (Table 2, line 2).