cover image: Darlington refurbishment



Darlington refurbishment

9 Mar 2014

THEME, PURPOSES, AND SCOPE OF THIS REPORT The broad theme of this report is the state of knowledge about the risks (i.e., radiological risk and program risk) associated with the future of Ontario’s nuclear reactors. [...] Third, the only reactor that Canada can offer to the world market is the CANDU 6, which is an old design with questionable characteristics from the perspectives of radiological risk and proliferation risk.29 OBTAINING REGULATORY APPROVAL FROM THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT The DNGS refurbishment project has passed through part of the process of obtaining regulatory approval from the Canadian government. [...] That search led to a “Framework for the Management of Risk”, articulated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.45 The Framework includes definitions of several terms, including the following: §§ “Risk refers to the effect of uncertainty on objectives. [...] It is the expression of the likelihood and impact of an event with the potential to affect the achievement of an organization’s objectives.” §§ “Residual risk is the remaining level of risk after taking into consideration risk mitigation measures and controls in place.” §§ “Risk management is a systematic approach to setting the best course of action under uncertainty by identifying, assessing, un [...] In the context of refurbishment and continued operation of Ontario’s reactors, this definition can be re-stated as follows: Program risk is the potential for refurbishment or operational performance of the reactors to diverge substantially from the planned outcome.
health environment climate change greenhouse gas water disaster natural gas science and technology natural resources nuclear physics nuclear power nuclear power plants nuclear reactors physics earthquake nuclear radioactive material candu reactor fukushima daiichi nuclear disaster caesium-137 chernobyl disaster combined cycle containment building fukushima darlington nuclear generating station containment nrc boiling water reactor pwr chernobyl cs-137


Thompson, Gordon R

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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