cover image: Psychological abuse : Violence psychologique: un document de travail



Psychological abuse : Violence psychologique: un document de travail

29 May 2009

Some of these theories focus exclusively on the personal and interpersonal characteristics of the victim and the abuser (e.g., genetic predisposition to violence, personality traits), while others stress the importance of attending to social and cultural factors (e.g., social conditions and structures such as patriarchy) that contribute to society’s recognition of particular psychological tactics [...] Following this is a review of the tactics that abusers may use, as well as a summary of data on the prevalence of psychological abuse 1 Psychological Abuse and the different kinds of relationships in which psychological abuse occurs. [...] The paper then presents research findings on the personal, economic and health related costs of psychological abuse to the individual and to society, and briefly outlines legal recourses for victims. [...] One Canadian study found that 18% of girls and 25% of boys in grades 6 to 10 bullied others, and 21% of girls and 25% of boys reported being the victim of bullying (Craig 2004, 89-90). [...] In the context the health related consequences of this power imbalance, abuse takes place of psychological violence in the and causes various types of harm, including workplace can be as severe as those emotional and psychological harm.
health education politics school domestic violence crime violence discrimination adolescence aggression alcoholism behavioural sciences child abuse family violence family law depression bullying further education abuse assault child neglect abusive maltreatment emotional abuse abnormal psychology physical abuse psychological abuse abusers


Doherty, Deborah

9780662489948 9781100128818
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