cover image: A longitudinal study of the role of selected workplace factors in worker turnover, retention and deployment



A longitudinal study of the role of selected workplace factors in worker turnover, retention and deployment

13 Apr 2004

The AIDS Committee of London has been interested and challenged by the changing face of HIV/AIDS work and its impact on the focus and range of services and activities to which they are committed. [...] In answer to what motivates them to remain working at this ASO, paid and volunteer workers differed in the amount and order of importance of the factors within their own group and between the two groups by Time 2. At time 1, the relationships associated with their work place was the primary reason for working at this ASO, with 58% of paid workers and 35% of volunteer workers ranking this first ove [...] In rating their perceptions of the social environment of their work at the two time intervals, both groups indicated a high emphasis on the relationship dimension, which included high concern and commitment to their job, involvement, the presence of friendships and supports with co-workers (peer cohesion) and the support and encouragement of management (supervisor support). [...] The profiles of both groups on these social dimensions of the workplace at the two time intervals are shown in Figures 5 and 6. While both groups felt commitment to their jobs, paid workers, in contrast to volunteer workers, placed greater emphasis on the relationship dimension in terms of peer cohesion and supervisor support and their sense of autonomy and self- sufficiency. [...] Tables 15 and 16 display the comparisons between Time 1 and Time 2 of the annual mean hours of work of paid and volunteer workers, respectively in a ranked order of high to low mean hours in the general categories of work activities relevant to this ASO.
health education school science and technology psychology social support research acquired immunodeficiency syndrome aids (disease) hiv infections behavioural sciences employment community health services job satisfaction labour risk social sciences statistics community health aides reliability employee healthy reliability (statistics) psychological concepts employee retention coping (psychology) hiv-positive persons volunteer workers in community health services group cohesiveness work-life multiple regression analyses student's t-test
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