cover image: Developing a consumer-run housing co-op in Hamilton



Developing a consumer-run housing co-op in Hamilton

11 Dec 2006

Project Structure This feasibility study for a consumer-run housing co-operative in Hamilton was funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and was carried out by a research team from the Centre for Research and Education in Human Services (CREHS) under the direction of a sub-committee of the Hamilton Addiction and Mental Health Network (HAMHN). [...] Issues explored include the need for social housing in Hamilton, the housing needs of people with mental health issues, how stakeholders view the idea of developing a housing co-op for people with mental health issues, and whether there is a significant number of consumer/survivors in Hamilton who would like to live in a housing co-operative. [...] A good majority of the stakeholders that participated in this research said that a consumer-run housing co-op would be an important addition to the continuum of housing that is available to people with mental health issues, and a significant step toward addressing the gaps identified. [...] After a review of literature and discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each model with a range of stakeholders, a consensus was reached that a not-for-profit model is the preferred model for consumer-run cooperative housing in Hamilton. [...] A founding co-op board of directors would also have to be established for the incorporation of the co-op and for organizing the co-op association and community.
health education politics economy rehabilitation taxation psychology empowerment evaluation business construction investments people with mental disabilities real estate research project cooperative mortgage feasibility study clinical trial affordable housing society canada mortgage and housing corporation construction and property cmhc mentally ill phase ii housing co-ops housing, cooperative housing co-op co-operative housing recovering addicts
Published in
Hamilton, Ontario


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