cover image: Injury among young Canadians : Blessures chez les jeunes canadiens : une étude nationale sur les déterminants contextuels



Injury among young Canadians : Blessures chez les jeunes canadiens : une étude nationale sur les déterminants contextuels

4 Nov 2013

Injury Among Young CAnAdIAns: A nAtIonAl studY of contextual determinants Editors: Colleen Davison Kelly Russell Shannon Piedt Ian Pike William Pickett and the CIHR Team in Child and Youth Injury Prevention b Injury Among Young Canadians: A national study of contextual determinants this report was produced by members of the CIHR team in Child and Youth Injury Prevention, a unique collaboration of [...] We list the observations here, further detail surrounding the process of developing the observations and the content of each can be found in Chapter 9. Observation 1: Injury remains a leading public health priority in terms of the prevalence of injury events reported, the extent and consistency of the problem observed in groups of young people across the country, the numbers of young people who se [...] In summary, the major themes of this report surround experiences of injury and severe injury and determinants of injury at individual as well as context levels. [...] In each of the provinces (with the exception of Prince Edward Island and new Brunswick), a systematic, cluster sampling approach was used to select whole classes of students to participate in the study. [...] In this chapter, we report the percentage of students who experience at least one injury in a year, the percentage of those who experience multiple injuries, and seriousness of these injuries.
health youth education children school public health psychology adolescence culture ethics medicine risk social capital social sciences child wounds and injuries adolescent peer group bullying risk-taking substance abuse human activities further education society socioeconomic status injury abuse binge drinking preventive healthcare ses
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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