cover image: Sexual assault policies on campus



Sexual assault policies on campus

30 Oct 2014

More recently, METRAC contributed to the development of the Ontario Women’s Directorate’s Developing a Response to Sexual Violence: a Resource Guide for Ontario’s Colleges and Universities and the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario’s Campus Toolkit for Combating Sexual Violence. [...] For instance, the Ontario Women’s Directorate (2013) created Developing a Response to Sexual Violence: a Resource Guide for Ontario’s Colleges and Universities and the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario (2013) released a Campus Toolkit for Combating Sexual Violence. [...] In broader society, some women and groups are Some women and groups are at an increased risk of sexual and gender-based violence due to their identities and experiences of at an increased risk of sexual marginalization, a reality that may play out on and gender-based violence campuses as “microcosms of the larger due to their identities and communities in which they reside” (Barry & Cell, experien [...] Although the social and legal situation in the United States is different to that of Canada and the context of each country is unique and varies internally across regions, these policy directions are nonetheless relevant and useful to apply to Canadian universities and colleges. [...] Once it is determined that there is a duty of fairness, the actual procedures that must be followed to ensure fairness vary according to context, considering the following factors: • nature of the decision and the process followed—the more the process resembles a judicial hearing, the more “trial-like” procedures are required • nature of the statutory scheme—if the decision is final rather than pr
higher education education politics school domestic violence crime gender-based violence violence against women sexual violence common law justice law mediation rape university victim privacy further education risks campus sexual assault assault violent ethical principles procedural fairness natural justice sexual assault mediations rape in universities and colleges


Gunraj, Andrea, Wandio, Celia

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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