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Links between the Maltreatment of Girls and Later Victimization or Use of Violence /

7 Jun 2017

However, these forms of violence are also part of a larger continuum and more work is needed on experiences Page 4 of other forms of violence Violence against women and girls as a public health issue Violence against women and girls is a global public health and girls is therefore critical to improving public health issue and a significant violation of human rights (World prevention efforts. [...] Theories linking the victimization of women and girls and their subsequent use of violence Lifetime victimization and aggression model Another useful model for understanding the links between Theories linking victimization to subsequent aggressive victimization and aggression over the life course is behaviours and use of violence in family, peer or other proposed by Logan-Greene, Nurius, Hooven, & [...] Longitudinal evidence for the association between early experiences of maltreatment and the subsequent revictimization of women and girls: A sample of studies from 2006-2016. [...] The reciprocal relationship between victimization and use of violence is reflective of the lifetime victimization and aggression model (Logan- Greene et al., 2015) Of all forms of child maltreatment, exposure to IPV in both childhood and adolescence may be particularly relevant to girls’ future IPV perpetration in later years of adulthood. [...] Longitudinal evidence for the association between early experiences of maltreatment and subsequent use of violence by women and girls: 2006-2016 cont’d Type and Citation Sample Timing of Initial Mediators Moderators Other Covariates Significant Outcomes & Life Stage Maltreatmenta Abuse/neglect → Perpetration of any maltreatment of own children in adulthood*** PA → Perpetration of any maltreatment
health education politics school psychology violence adolescence adolescents aggression behavioural sciences biology child abuse ethics philosophy child adult intimate partner violence bullying further education child sexual abuse abuse child neglect maltreatment ptsd child maltreatment physical abuse interpersonal violence revictimization
Published in
London, ON, CA

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