cover image: Tax Morale and Trust in Public Institutions /



Tax Morale and Trust in Public Institutions /

17 Dec 2015

I argue in this study that the taxpayers’ trust in public institutions is affected by the quality signal sent by public institutions and the management of public resources. [...] The next section discusses the previous work and findings on the relationship between the taxpayers and public institutions. [...] Indeed, the implicit contract between the taxpayer and the state requires the provision of desirable level of public good (quality and quantity). [...] Indeed, they show the existence of a strong correlation between the measure of trust in the WVS and the number of wallets lost and returned with their content intact in many countries. [...] The idea here is that the more the taxpayer is educated, the better he knows the tax system (strengths and weaknesses) and the uses of collected resources through taxes.
politics economics economy taxpayer tax evasion psychology culture ethics philosophy social capital tax motivation human activities public sphere
Published in
Sherbrooke, QC, CA

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