cover image: Sustaining our communities



Sustaining our communities

21 May 2015

The broad range of communities that participated in the process and the various geographical, demographic, social, cultural and economic similarities and differences at play undoubtedly shaped the formation of the plans in many ways. [...] The purpose of this research was to examine and describe the design, characteristics and content of Integrated Community Sustainability Plans in municipalities throughout Atlantic Canada and provide a summary and overview to identify trends in practice. [...] Ideally the results of the research will lead to a better understanding of the process and improvements in the form and function of ICSPs throughout Atlantic Canada. [...] Although primarily discussing the sustainability planning process in the United States, Conroy and Berke (2004) provide a number of recommendations that may be relevant to the Canadian context and aim to help communities and regions achieve sustainability objectives. [...] The agreement called for the transfer of the Federal Gas Tax Funds to all Canadian Provinces and Territories in exchange for provincially mandated and municipally organized sustainability plans and relevant 15 sustainability projects.
sustainable development health environment climate change air pollution public participation water infrastructure climate change adaptation capacity building natural resources canada air quality construction culture environmental pollution city planning environmental sustainability sustainable urban development community goal good governance province efficient energy use clean air act (united states) cleaner air


Beed, Timothy Patrick

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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