cover image: Education-to-labour market pathways of Canadian youth : Education to labour market pathways of Canadian youth : findings from the Youth in transition survey



Education-to-labour market pathways of Canadian youth : Education to labour market pathways of Canadian youth : findings from the Youth in transition survey

24 Oct 2007

The most common pathway is to have a high school diploma only (almost 12% of all respondents), while the least common is to take some time off between high school and the start of a postsecondary program leading to a university degree (2.8%). [...] One of the challenges of this project is to accurately and meaningfully define these pathways and to then document the major characteristics of the individuals following each path and the labour market outcomes associated with different paths. [...] Ten broad objectives were developed for YITS: 1. to examine key transitions in the lives of youth, such as the transition from high school to postsecondary schooling and the initial transition from schooling to the labour market; 2. to better understand educational and labour market pathways and the factors influencing these pathways; 3. to identify educational and occupational pathways that provi [...] It is important to point out that students from Quebec are much more likely to follow the college-to-university path due to the structure of the CEGEP system (see Box 2) in that province: 83% of those who followed the college-to- university pathway went to high school in Quebec versus 17% from the rest of Canada. [...] To ease the transition from Figure 1.2 to the labelling strategy used in the remainder of the report, we attach the pathway number from Figure 1.2 to the labels in Chart 1.1.
youth higher education education school curriculum adolescence employment labour students apprenticeship school-to-work transition odds ratio college further education logistic regression bachelor's degree postsecondary education high schools academic degree educational attainment in the united states high school dropouts bachelor’s programme for international student assessment cegep collège d’enseignement général et professionnel drop out odds ratios cross-tabulations


Hango, Darcy W

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