cover image: Skills gap study



Skills gap study

9 Sep 2014

In pursuit of this objective, we constantly survey public opinion and various segments of the Canadian community asking respondents to identify what they perceive to be the strengths and weaknesses of Canada’s political class. [...] In other words, the opinions presented consist of evaluations of the strengths and weaknesses of the political class by respondents who are themselves members of that class. [...] Contemporary politicians are also roundly criticized for their lack of knowledge in key areas of public policy such as the economy and the environment; on the other hand, even where policy makers are effective, too often they are perceived as lacking the communication skills required to make these public policies comprehensible to the public. [...] Other issues examined by the study include identifying the major public policy challenges of the day and evaluating the efficacy of public policy research institutes in dealing with these challenges. [...] The Most Important Issue in Canada Thought leaders play a significant role in the creation of new knowledge and the dissemination of key messages to the general public.
agriculture accountability government education politics poverty crime science and technology psychology communication canada ethics citizenship philosophy politicians unemployment welfare government budget community society belief competence (human resources) mentorship margin of error income gap competences cynicism (contemporary)


Turcotte, André

Published in
Calgary, Alberta

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