cover image: Understanding indigenous economic development in northern, rural, and remote settings



Understanding indigenous economic development in northern, rural, and remote settings

15 Jun 2011

We also thank the participating Thematic Networks of the University of the Arctic for supporting the travel costs of their members enabling them to attend and participate. [...] The workshop brought together thirty-one individuals, institutions, academics, and practitioners who are actively involved in indigenous economic development in the North, and three of the University of the Arctic’s Thematic Networks – Local and Regional Development, Northern Governance, and Northern Tourism – were represented. [...] Another obstacle for building partnerships is the lack of a known point of contact or protocol of contact facilitating dialogue between industries and investors on the one hand and members of the Aboriginal community on the other. [...] Urban Aboriginal Governance way to create a point of contact and a conversation which enables governments and industries alike to engage the Aboriginal community, which ensures that the Aboriginal voice reflects the entire community, and which uses the full potential of the Aboriginal community in policy- making and economic project planning. [...] The terms governance, corporate governance, and indigenous corporate governance are the backdrop to a case study on the Makivik Corporation, an economic development corporation in Nunavik, a region in the northern part of the province of Québec.
economic development agriculture government education politics economy school governance corporate governance culture indigenous peoples inuit investments economic sector sustainable strategic management community society communities native peoples economy, business and finance nunavut indigenous peoples in canada nunavik entrepreneurial cultural makivik corporation halseth, greg sami people
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