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Rural Development Challenges and Management Theories - 1.0 Introduction

7 Mar 2024

Muñoz-Mora, Tobón and d’Anjou (2018) used a mixed-methods approach to analyse the impact of armed conflict on rural areas and the potential for rural development in the post-conflict scenario in Colombia. [...] He reviewed the literature on the historical, political, economic and social context of rural development in Ethiopia and examined the trends and patterns of key indicators such as population growth, land use, agricultural productivity, poverty reduction and human development. [...] They found that rural- urban linkages have both positive and negative effects on rural development, depending on the type, intensity and direction of the linkages, and that they pose both opportunities and challenges for policy making and planning. [...] They argued that rural-urban linkages should be recognized and managed as an integral part of rural development, and that policies should balance the interests and needs of both rural and urban areas. [...] The challenges of agriculture and rural development in Africa: the case of Nigeria.


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