cover image: Buyer beware



Buyer beware

13 Mar 2013

Given the extensive research that had been conducted into the supply side of the sexual exploitation industry, it was timely and essential to enter down the path of understanding demand. Dr. McIntyre had delved into researching, understanding and providing information for over 20 years on those young women and young men that had become entwined in sexual exploitation. Who, how, why, when and where young people entered and exited a sexually exploitative life had been researched exhaustively which informed and influenced law, policy, programming, services and outcomes for this population. During this time it was apparent that if there was going to be a successful impact on decreasing the supply, we needed to intervene in the demand end: the consumers. Energy directed toward young persons was essential but was not going to influence the demand side. Through this study, there is now extensive knowledge and understanding of the demand issue.
health higher education education school domestic violence mental health alcoholism behavioural sciences child abuse medicine prostitution human trafficking social problem behavior substance abuse college abuse and neglect further education addiction health treatment child neglect maltreatment sex-oriented businesses human sexual activity teen adverse childhood experiences study substance addiction physical neglect addiction to alcohol adverse childhood experience


McIntyre, Susan

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