cover image: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder



Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

5 Jun 2013

The individual variability of FASD is accounted for through the use of a Likert scale to rank the magnitude of each feature before combining the findings into a single 4-Digit Diagnostic Code.11 In 2005, the Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres (CAPHC), with funding from the PHAC, took part in an initiative to create the National Screening Tool Kit for Children and Youth Identified an [...] To ensure that leadership and priority were given to the FASD portfolio, the Committee (2006) recommended that Health Canada regain control of the portfolio from the PHAC, that a national strategy be developed to address and prevent FASD with dedicated funding, and that a national database be developed to track the prevalence of FASD. [...] The goal of the project was to increase the capacity of caregivers and teachers to support children with FASD by enhancing understanding of FASD and providing access to project workers and support groups. [...] The worker begins in the East, the Vision section of the wheel, to establish an awareness of FASD based on the issues that exist in the community. [...] The worker then moves to the Relationship section of the wheel, in the South, and begins to build relationships with individuals affected by FASD and the people who support them.
health education school psychology alcoholism indians of north america caregivers culture medicine mental illness therapy prevention substance abuse human activities indians, north american further education abuse mental disorder health sciences fetal alcohol syndrome fasd fetal alcohol spectrum disorders fetal alcohol spectrum disorder children of prenatal alcohol abuse fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (fasd) brain damage alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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