cover image: 2018 BC Child Poverty Report Card /



2018 BC Child Poverty Report Card /

18 Nov 2018

They reflect decades of allowing and facilitating the massive accumulation of wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer individuals, while thousands of children and youth are deprived of the security, supports and opportunities they need to thrive. [...] It is worth noting, however, that the gap between the all-ages rates and the child poverty rates narrowed in all provinces and territories between 2015 and 2016, as child poverty rates declined faster, perhaps reflecting the impact of six months of the new Canada Child Benefit for families with children which came into effect in July 2016. [...] The number of poor children in couple Proportion of BC Children 0-17 in Couple families in BC decreased by 6,130 be- Families and Lone-Parent Families, 2016 tween 2015 and 2016, while the number All BC children Poor BC children of poor children in lone-parent families decreased by 6,350. [...] BC chose not to include the measurement of food insecurity for their populations in the 2013-2014 survey, meaning this is the latest data available.4 In 2011-12, data from the CCHS showed nearly one in 6 (15.6%) or 135,000 children 0-17 in BC were living in food insecure households, representing 28% of food insecure people in the province. [...] Looking across the country, BC had the lowest annual 2016 welfare income for a couple with two children and the fourth lowest for a single parent with one child.1 Both levels of government have a part to play in increasing welfare incomes; for example, both the federal contribution of $6,727 and the provincial contribution of $12,393 for single parent family welfare incomes in BC in 2016 were inad
health education economics food child care economy poverty science and technology canada basic needs employment ethics family minimum wage unemployment university child welfare poverty reduction poor child poverty provinces further education living wage british columbia child benefit
Published in
Burnaby, BC, CA

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