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Why is knowledge translation important?

12 Jun 2008

In knowledge transfer, the image is one of moving items of knowledge or pieces of information between different domains, whether they be those of pure and applied science, applied science and the industry, or, moving closer to home, the transfer of the knowledge being generated in the bio-sciences to improving human well being at the point of delivery via a matrix of institutions comprising univer [...] The image of transfer is, however, deeply flawed because it operates not only subliminally but also heuristically in the construction of models concerned mainly with the efficiency or effectiveness of moving knowledge between one domain and another without noting that the knowledge will need to change in the process of being transferred. [...] The creative act lies just as much in the capacity to mobilise and manage these perspectives and methodologies, their „external‟ orchestration so-to-speak, as in the development of new theories or conceptualisations or the refinement of research methods, the „internal‟ dynamics of scientific creativity. [...] Beginning in the twilight of the Cold War, if not before, the relative institutional separation between societies‟ major institutions had begun to breakdown:- 1. In publicly-funded research with the privatisation of the system of government research establishments. [...] Quite the contrary, it is because institutional leaders, industrial managers, and people generally understand very well the importance of science that they respond to the growing complexity of the contemporary world by wanting to draw the research capabilities of universities into their interests and concerns.
innovation education politics science and technology psychology research communication biology copyright epistemology genetics knowledge management language philosophy knowledge transfer knowledge research methods further education society creativity expert cognitive science communication in medicine specialist expertise justification clinical practice creative transdisciplinarity scientific


Gibbons, Michael

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