cover image: A statistical summary of CCHS 1.2 findings related to mental health and addiction in British Columbia



A statistical summary of CCHS 1.2 findings related to mental health and addiction in British Columbia

6 Dec 2004

Inspection of the confidence intervals, however, reveals that BC’s overlaps that of Canada and almost all of the other provinces suggesting that the percentage in BC is neither reliably different from that of the country as a whole nor from that of almost all of the other provinces. [...] Inspection of the confidence intervals, however, reveals that BC’s overlaps that of Canada and almost all of the other provinces suggesting that the percentage for females in BC is neither reliably different from that of the country as a whole nor from that of almost all of the other provinces. [...] Inspection of the confidence intervals, however, reveals that BC’s overlaps that of Canada and most of the other provinces suggesting that the percentage of males in BC is neither reliably different from that of the country as a whole nor from that of most of the other provinces. [...] Inspection of the confidence intervals, however, reveals that BC’s overlaps that of Canada and most of the other provinces suggesting that the percentage of females in BC is neither reliably different from that of the country as a whole nor from that of most of the other provinces. [...] Inspection of the confidence intervals, however, reveals that BC’s overlaps that of Canada and all of the other provinces suggesting that the percentage in BC is neither reliably different from that of the country as a whole nor from that of the other provinces.
health science and technology psychology mental health alcoholism behavioural sciences medicine social sciences medical diagnosis substance-related disorders clinical medicine substance abuse health treatment mental and behavioural disorder mania confidence interval major depressive disorder eating disorder clinical psychology ci hopelessness coefficient of variation cv abnormal psychology drug use panic attacks irrational fear manic episode
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