cover image: Statistical portrait of the French-speaking immigrant population outside Quebec (1991-2011) / : Portrait statistique de la population immigrante de langue française à l'extérieur du Québec (1991 à 2011)



Statistical portrait of the French-speaking immigrant population outside Quebec (1991-2011) / : Portrait statistique de la population immigrante de langue française à l'extérieur du Québec (1991 à 2011)

22 May 2015

The transmission of French depends on both the type of couple in the household in which the children are living and the context in which French is used. [...] Under the leadership of the CIC-FMCs Committee, the initiative’s objectives are to foster the recruitment and integration of immigrants into FMCs, to increase the proportion of francophone economic immigrants in FMCs from 1.1% (2011) to 4% in 2018, and to improve the settlement and integration of francophone immigrants. [...] This concept echoes the spirit of the new version of the Official Languages Act (1988), which stipulates, in section 32(2), that the government may have regard to “the number of persons composing the English or French linguistic minority population of the area served by an office or facility, the particular characteristics of that population and the proportion of that population to the total popul [...] The population of each francophone group (Canadian-born or immigrants) in each CT and each CMA was divided by the total population of the group living in the CMA, and the result was multiplied by 100 so that all the CTs for a given group in the same CMA sum to 100%. [...] On the maps, the darker the colour, the higher the number of francophones living in the CT.
immigrants linguistic minorities canadians, french-speaking


Houle, René, Pereira, Daniel, Corbeil, Jean-Pierre

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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