cover image: Labour market strategies that support major resource development in Canada



Labour market strategies that support major resource development in Canada

26 Mar 2013

These models can incorporate forecast changes in the economy, demographics (including the impact of population aging and the resulting slowdown in labour force growth) and changes in the skill requirements of the economy. [...] The AWP has requested a high level overview and diagnostic of the apprenticeship training programs in the Atlantic provinces and is supporting an initiative to improve the labour market information relating the major projects in Atlantic Canada. [...] One of the main purposes of the agreement is to simplify and expand upon the scope and coverage of the AIT. [...] Recent examples of skilled labour initiatives in Newfoundland and Labrador include: ensuring education in the skilled trades is more accessible and affordable through an ongoing tuition freeze at Memorial University and the College of the North Atlantic; increasing the ratio of apprentices to journeypersons to two-to-one (three-to-one if at least one of the apprentices is in the final year of thei [...] The provincial government provides the model inputs and the Centre for Spatial Economics runs the model and the provincial government reviews the projections.
health innovation education economics economy school labor market natural resources canada strategy business construction copyright employment labour unemployment tax apprenticeship alberta college labour markets tax credit provincial further education job employee community college teaching and learning british columbia apprentices


Bergman, Fred

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