cover image: Evidence on the effectiveness of GPS monitoring for mental health forensic rehabilitation patients



Evidence on the effectiveness of GPS monitoring for mental health forensic rehabilitation patients

13 Jan 2015

The interview covered a wide range of topics related to GPS monitoring for mental health forensic rehabilitation patients, including the structure and governance of the program, potential benefits and drawbacks of the program from the perspective of various stakeholder groups, the implementation and evaluation of the program, and the features and functionalities of the devices used. [...] More specifically, they were asked to comment on the impetus for developing a GPS monitoring program for mental health forensic rehabilitation patients, the existing evidence on the effectiveness of such programs, the structure of the program and the resources required, the target population of the program, the intended outcomes of the program, the potential benefits and drawbacks of the program t [...] Structure and Resources While the program was implemented as a result of a political directive in Queensland, in the UK, the initiative came from the clinicians and senior managers who were able to secure funding for the program from the hospital. [...] Finally, staff was trained in the use of the system, the device, and the processes of communicating with the security company4. [...] Patient concerns, consent, and unintended consequences In addition to the issue of stigma associated with mental health issues and the possibility of being associated with sex offenders, patients in the UK have raised concerns about the perceived coercion of the system, questioning the validity of their consent.
health politics science and technology psychology mental health research evaluation law medicine physical therapy risk qualitative research therapy researcher quantitative health treatment government health care patient qualitative data mentally ill offenders wellness global positioning system thematic analysis electronic tagging electronic monitoring healthcare systems dangerously mentally ill electronic monitoring of parolees and probationers
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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