cover image: Those who can, teach



Those who can, teach

19 Jan 2015

In addition to the complexity of the learning process itself, society more than ever is debating the value of a university education and how to measure it: in the context of increasingly constrained public resources, the public is demanding concrete evidence of how the public investment in universities is contributing to the development of citizens ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s labour [...] Additional In recent years, the price of education has increased; funding intended to benefit students by improving but while students have made an increased the quality of instruction has, in reality, been used to commitment to finance Ontario’s post-secondary maintain the salaries and benefits of existing faculty system, the perceived quality of the education they and administrators rather than [...] The pursuit of resources for research, perceived prestige, advancement systems and the large role that universities play in total research in Canada have all contributed to expansion of that mission however, and research has become a pursuit that has overshadowed other important functions of the university in the minds of faculty and administrators alike. [...] SETs collected earlier, near the middle of the term, can provide feedback that can be incorporated immediately to improve the course and the experiences of the students. [...] With capstone projects, students have the opportunity to develop “research partnerships and mentoring relationships with faculty” while providing senior students the availability to engage in academic discussions that extend learning outside of class all contributing to the student’s “intellectual growth and satisfaction with their experiences.”lii The opportunity for students to partake in the ac
higher education education school curriculum evaluation employers employment problem solving students teachers teaching university learning assessment cognition college competencies further education teaching and learning educational assessment competence (human resources) evaluations cognitive science college teaching college teachers collaborative learning formative assessment


Madden, Sean, Rose, Zachary

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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