cover image: Labour market demand and transitions in the electricity industry : Demande de main-d'oeuvre et transitions dans l'industrie de l'électricité : rapport final



Labour market demand and transitions in the electricity industry : Demande de main-d'oeuvre et transitions dans l'industrie de l'électricité : rapport final

3 Jul 2008

Supply Challenge – Retaining Existing Employees Given the age of the existing workforce – i.e., the high proportion of employees who are in the 45- to 54-year-old age group, it is clear that the main human resource issue that the sector will be facing over the short to medium term is the replacement of retiring workers. [...] The ESC is an organization with active participation and partnership of all communities of interest in the industry and takes the lead on implementing many of the recommendations made in Keeping the Future Bright. [...] Based on the above, this report identifies electricity human resource pressure points, provides additional context on the educational, skills and training backgrounds of declining industry employees, and recommendations designed, with the assistance of the ESC, to improve the ability of the electricity industry to meet the goals enunciated in the original research proposal, and to ensure that the [...] In 2000, the government of the Netherlands spent 1.58% of the GDP on ALMPs, while the government of the United States spent only 0.15%. [...] The DWS is the most comprehensive source of information of the nature of job loss in the United States (Farber 2005; Fallick 1996), which has by far the most flexible and fluid job market in the developed world.
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