cover image: Breaking the silence : Rompre le silence: une intervention coordonnée en matière de violence sexualle en Nouvelle-Écosse



Breaking the silence : Rompre le silence: une intervention coordonnée en matière de violence sexualle en Nouvelle-Écosse

9 Jun 2015

Breaking the Silence A Coordinated Response to Sexual Violence in Nova Scotia Breaking the Silence A Coordinated Response to Sexual Violence in Nova Scotia © Crown copyright, Province of Nova Scotia, 2015 Breaking the Silence. [...] This strategy includes important fi rst steps to build the partnerships and processes needed to deliver care in a new way, and to focus on preventing sexual violence from happening in the fi rst place. [...] Through full, coordinated community engagement we can increase and improve help and support to victims and survivors of sexual violence. [...] It will take the combined efforts and energy of government, support and service organizations, and victims and their families to create meaningful change. [...] Our work is guided by the defi nition adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO): “sexual violence is any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, or other act directed against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting.” Sexual violence is entrenched and normalized in our society to the point that actions and even the h
health gender government education politics crime psychology violence best practices sexual violence strategy culture ethics law sex crimes best practice strategic management community society assault human sexual activity
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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