cover image: Addressing barriers restricting bioenergy system applications in Canada /



Addressing barriers restricting bioenergy system applications in Canada /

2 Apr 2009

Readers should be aware that pressure vessel regulations are similar in all the provinces of Canada, but there can be differences in the names of the various acts, in the departments that administer the Acts and in some specific regulations. [...] This can be done In PEI by adding these boiler codes to the list of codes that are recognized in the regulations of the PEI Boilers and Pressure Vessels Act. [...] If you install a biomass boiler of, perhaps 75% of the capacity of one oil boiler, to carry the base heat load, that capacity must be added to the total with the two oil boilers. [...] The problem is that oxygen can get into the boiler and heating system, causing corrosion that will shorten the lifespan of the boiler and the entire system. [...] The Regulations of the PEI Boiler and Pressure Vessels Act list ASME as one of the codes that it recognizes and adopts.
environment energy energy efficiency economics renewable energy alternative energy sustainable energy science and technology bioenergy biomass biofuels natural resources canada biomass energy chemicals district heating mechanical engineering biofuel boiler diesel fuel energy and resource artificial objects woodchips biomass energy industries csa group biomass-fired biofuels technology asme canadian standards association biomass boilers


McCallum, Bruce

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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