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First ministers' conferences

24 May 2006

These include the Privy Council Office, the Department of Finance, the Public Archives and the National Library of Canada, and the Library of Parliament. [...] The subjects discussed during this conference were: • Cooperation in a campaign for greater food production • The problems of Agricultural labour, and fuel • The rehabilitation of returned soldiers • The formation of “an after the war” immigration policy 2 C I C S. I. F I R S T. M I N I S T E R S ’. C O N F E R E N C E S. I 1 9 0 6. –. 2 0 0 4 CONFERENCE BETWEEN THE MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF CA [...] Among the subjects discussed were: • The problem of soldiers’ settlement • The general problem of land settlement • The request of the Prairie Provinces for the transfer to them of their natural resources First Ministers Attending Delegates Federal Hon. [...] It is an institution which enables representatives of the Government of the Dominion of Canada and the governments of the provinces of Canada to confer together, exchange information and opinions, and formulate proposals, in respect to Dominion-Provincial co-operation, which can be presented to the governments concerned and to the Parliament of Canada and legislatures of the provinces.” • For furt [...] Conference communiqué • Statement by the Chairman to the press at the conclusion of the Conference • The offer of the Federal Government for new tax agreements • The offer of the Federal Government respecting old age security • A Provincial proposal for an amendment to the Constitution to permit the provincial legislatures to levy an indirect sales tax at the retail level NOTES • The Conference se
government politics taxation canada civil law federal government government policy law parliament confederation treaty charter ministers (government) constitution (law) canadian charter of rights and freedoms constitution act, 1982 government of canada provincial governments federal-provincial relations canadian confederation charter of rights amendments to the constitution of canada pierre trudeau interprovincial relations patriation peter lougheed pierre elliott trudeau federal-provincial conferences allan e. blakeney premiers (canada) angus l. macdonald
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