cover image: Ontario invasive species : Ontario invasive species strategic plan



Ontario invasive species : Ontario invasive species strategic plan

27 Jun 2012

Invasive species are a growing environmental and economic threat to Ontario. Alien species are plants, animals, and micro-organisms introduced by human action outside their natural past or present distribution. Invasive species are defined as harmful alien species whose introduction or spread threatens the environment, the economy, or society, including human health (government of canada 2004). Ontario's definition of an invasive species may include species native to Ontario, that have been introduced to a new geographic region due to human activity. Species may be considered invasive if their introduction or spread can be linked to our changing climate.
agriculture environment climate change risk assessment government wetlands conservation invasive species great lakes biodiversity water science and technology research natural resources canada resources biology ecology risk prevention risk analysis alien conservation biology ontario strategic plan introduced species introduced organisms invasive plants introduced animals zebra mussels nvasive species
9781443594011 9781443594028
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