cover image: What's happening to our children?



What's happening to our children?

6 Oct 2009

These amendments also removed the role of the Employment Standards Branch (in the Ministry of Labour) in predetermining the suitability of a work-site for a child employee in the same age group. [...] While the data examined here does not provide a conclusive estimate of the number of children working, it does reveal a disturbing, documented, and quantifiable trend: the number of accepted work-related injury claims for children between the ages of 12 and 14 has been steadily climbing since 2005. [...] The regulations regarding the employment of children are detailed on the government's website and begin with a description of the parent or guardian’s role as envisioned under the new legislation. [...] The parent or guardian is responsible for their children and must determine that the employment situation meets the best interests of the child and will not adversely affect the child's social, physical or educational needs. [...] The employer must have written consent on record to indicate the young person's date of birth and that the parent or guardian knows where the young person is working, the hours of work and the type of work.
health government education politics children occupational health children's rights business child labour child welfare copyright employment labour labour law law rights of the child ilo child labor labour laws employee injury health and safety employment legislation workplace safety worker safety industrial hygiene employment standards international labour organization work-related injury legal guardian exploitation of labour employment of children child workers


Luke, Helesia

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