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Promoting Success with Immigrant ARAB Students

3 May 2016

Because they the Qur’an (which is considered to be the authentic carried cases of supplies (such as needles, pins, beads collection of the word of Allah) was received by the and small clothing items) on their backs and travelled prophet Muhammed through the archangel Gabriel. [...] They have two major celebrations, ’Eid al-Fitr (pronounced eed-ul-fit’-tar), which marks the Communities from Arab Countries end of the fast of Ramadan, and ’Eid al-Adha (which is the culmination of the Hajj, or holy pilgrimage to Collectively, people from the communities listed Mecca). [...] In very traditional and religious families male children Chador are favoured, since a son is expected to care for the family and elders when they become unable to take The chador is a cloak worn care of themselves. [...] The man is expected body from the top of the to assume responsibility for financial matters, and the head to the ground and is woman is to be in charge of the children and home. [...] Abaya Generally, the father is still considered to be the head of the household and is expected to assume financial This cloak is worn by women mainly in the Arab responsibility for the family.
education school curriculum lebanon syria christianity culture islam kurds muslim women teachers further education reading teaching and learning english as a second or foreign language religion and belief religious belief hijab women in islam headscarf halal hajj head scarf chador eid al-adha ramadan
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Edmonton, AB, CA

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