cover image: Spotlight Presentation 1-3:  - A Brighter Future for Primary Health Care Access for


Spotlight Presentation 1-3: - A Brighter Future for Primary Health Care Access for

25 Mar 2024

This presentation will outline the unique experiences of SAWs in accessing health care, the SAWHP model of care and services, how evidence and research support the program, and the lived experiences of the clients SAWHP serves. [...] In addition, the SAWHP collaborates with Positive Living Niagara and the Niagara Migrant Workers Interest Group to further address barriers faced by SAWs as well as to run community events such as the annual Care Fair and Bicycle Safety Rodeo. [...] The SAWHP uses these statistics to program plan for the following season and to determine the areas/farms where more outreach may be needed within the Niagara region. [...] This shift allowed the SAWHP to continue to provide much needed health care to the SAWs. [...] The acquisition of new funding and subsequent growth in staffing in the SAWHP is a testament to how the program continues to expand to meet the evolving needs of SAWs into the future.



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