cover image: The State of Postsecondary Education in Canada 2023


The State of Postsecondary Education in Canada 2023

3 Nov 2023

This represents roughly 7% of the entire population, a figure that is larger than the population of the four Atlantic provinces put together, or the combined workforces of the construction and manufacturing industries. [...] Since the turn of the IN POSTSECONDARY equivalent (FTE) enrolment in Canada’s century, enrolments have been growing EDUCATION universities and colleges.1 As of 2021- more quickly in universities than in 22, there were over 1.8 million FTE colleges, though this is partly due to the Enrolments in universities and colleges students in Canadian PSE institutions, conversion of several institutions in h. [...] The fall in total income in 2019-20 was due entirely to the $10 pandemic-related collapse in the equity $- market just before the end of the fiscal year in March 2020. [...] In the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2008- 09, expenditures began to fall in real terms for over a decade, with the exception of a one-time increase in funding from the Strategic Infrastructure Fund (SIF), a program created by the Liberal government to counteract the brief 2015-16 economic slowdown. [...] One of the most important things to Figure 4.3: Provincial Expenditures per FTE Student, 2021-2022 understand about Canadian higher education finance is the variation across $90,000 provinces and the extent to which spend- ing patterns in Ontario, the largest $80,000 province, are out of line with those in the $70,000 rest of the country.


Higher Education Strategy Associates

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