cover image: A Night with the Woods: - A SHORT STORY


A Night with the Woods: - A SHORT STORY

14 Mar 2024

I must have visibly startled, as now there is a huge grin of serene light, feeding into the lullaby of the ocean, eventually on the young face. [...] I guess.” I regret it as the – the traditional residents; I recognize a few melodic fragments of words leave my tongue. [...] The slim and agile part like the others have? The song has been thrown in the circle for Spreading Dogbane Apocynum androsaemifolium from the Great so many rounds. [...] I came from the land of the Tea plant.” I am soaked in the try again.” surprise of those words flowing effortlessly out of my mouth. [...] The “WIGGLY-” drumstick is made from a lightweight smooth-barked branch, and a puffy moose leather head that smells a hint of goat.
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