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27 Mar 2024

The opening of the Unit 1 Redfish fishery in 2024 marks a much-anticipated opportunity for many in our region, and we understand the motivation to open this fishery given the current high biomass of redfish in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. [...] However, there are significant challenges and limitations to overcome if this fishery is to be an economically viable endeavour which does not increase risk to the many other fisheries in the region, and the many species and ecosystems of the Gulf. [...] The management plan needs to ensure responsible harvesting of redfish within the limits of the stock and the mitigation of bycatch of other species, while maximising economic opportunities for inshore, community fishers in our region. [...] It will be critical for the department to increase monitoring and research to accurately measure rates, location, and species of bycatch and to prioritize innovation in catch methods and management to minimize the bycatch in this fishery. [...] This would also undermine the intent of these rebuilding plans and the work that the department has undertaken to right the wrongs of past management decisions.


Dean Gallant

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