cover image: Ocean Spotlight: - CONSERVATION MEDIA AS A TOOL FOR CHANGE - Ocean introduction Media landscape

Ocean Spotlight: - CONSERVATION MEDIA AS A TOOL FOR CHANGE - Ocean introduction Media landscape

14 Mar 2024

Ocean introduction Media landscape A field course in the Bay of Fundy afforded Hawkins the chance After graduating, Hawkins spent time working in Central America, to get out of the classroom and on the water. [...] It allowed him to making connections with local researchers and immersing himself experience the Atlantic Ocean in a more personal way, broadening in the flourishing field of conservation photography. [...] the clarity to know what I wanted to do with my life.” In the intervening years Hawkins’ focus has shifted from Through his experiences in academia, Hawkins recognized a photography to cinematography. [...] The poignant visuals Hawkins produced helped viewers relate to the unique and important lives of the individual whales featured, and to empathize with the sorrow of their loss. [...] His work fostered an emotional connection to the whales and those working to save them, which supported shifting attitudes towards the urgency of the whales’ plight and our collective responsibility to the species.
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