cover image: Preventing and addressing workplace harassment and violence - A guide for federally regulated employers


Preventing and addressing workplace harassment and violence - A guide for federally regulated employers

4 Apr 2024

As a result of this collaborative approach, the trust and confidence of the workers was restored, colleagues felt more connected to each other and the workplace, and the employer had invaluable information with which to re-draft a robust and responsive policy that was tailored to the diverse needs of their workers. [...] In human rights terms, the employer is the “duty-bearer,” and the worker is the “rights-holder.” As the duty-bearer, the onus is on the employer to comply with the relevant laws and standards. [...] Additional guidance is available in the Government of Canada’s Sample harassment and violence prevention user guide and Sample harassment and violence prevention policy that outline the roles of the employer, designated recipient, workers, and applicable partner under the Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations. [...] Example: “Policy for the preventing and addressing of workplace harassment and violence” PART A – COMMITMENTS AND APPLICATION Statement of commitment The policy should contain a statement of the organization’s commitment to creating and maintaining respect for human rights and fostering equality and inclusion. [...] For guidance related to the Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations, please consult the Government of Canada’s Sample harassment and violence prevention user guide and Sample harassment and violence prevention policy that outline the roles of the employer, designated recipient, workers, and applicable partner.


Michael Swinburne

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