cover image: Policy on preventing discrimination based on creed / : Politique sur la prévention de la discrimination fondée sur la croyance



Policy on preventing discrimination based on creed / : Politique sur la prévention de la discrimination fondée sur la croyance

4 Dec 2015

This policy clarifies the nature and scope of rights and responsibilities based on creed in these five areas, and helps individuals and organizations to better identify, address and prevent discrimination based on creed, so that each person – whatever their creed – can take part in, contribute to and feel included in the community and province. [...] Once a prima facie case of discrimination has been established, the burden shifts to the respondent to provide a credible, non-discriminatory explanation or to justify the conduct within the framework of the exemptions available under the Code (e.g. [...] Since 2011, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) has conducted extensive research and consultation to update its understanding of creed human rights under the Code.2 The OHRC’s Human rights and creed research and consultation report presents many of these findings.3 The OHRC’s research and consultation shows that prejudice and discrimination based on creed remain a reality in Ontario, and ar [...] In keeping with the Preamble to the Code, this policy is also designed to: Promote recognition of the inherent dignity and worth of people of diverse creed faiths, whatever their creed Provide equal rights and opportunities without discrimination and harassment because of creed Create a climate of understanding and mutual respect, so that people of diverse creed faith feel they belong in the [...] Despite some of the unique aspects of religious and creed rights, the Supreme Court of Canada has confirmed that there is no hierarchy of rights, and creed deserves the same consideration, protection and respect as other human rights (see the OHRC’s Policy on competing human rights).98 Section 9 of the Code prohibits both direct and indirect discrimination.
human rights freedom of religion religious discrimination
9781460666692 9781460666715
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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