cover image: Creating an enabling environment for the advancement of women and girls



Creating an enabling environment for the advancement of women and girls

24 Feb 2006

However, World Vision also calls on the Commission on the Status of Women and the world community to continue its sustained moral and well- resourced support to women and girls in areas of the world where they continue to face indescribable discrimination and injustice. [...] There is a great need to educate men and boys on the harms of early marriage and to involve community and religious leaders, as well as government officials, to ensure women and girls’ rights, and the enforcement of marriage and family laws. [...] The AIDS pandemic continues to destroy the lives of women and girls across the world and undermine the development of their communities and societies. [...] World Vision considers the elimination of harmful gender roles and the empowerment of women and girls essential elements in the fight to stop the spread of AIDS, and invests considerable resources and expertise in this fight in the most affected countries. [...] Work through schools, faith-based organisations, and community institutions to ensure access to sound health information; sensitise men and women to the rights and responsibilities of each; and combat the stigma, denial, and discrimination surrounding women and men, girls and boys affected by HIV and AIDS.
health gender equality gender education politics children domestic violence women violence empowerment ethiopia discrimination hiv/aids aids culture disability early marriage family girls rape child marriage hiv further education society abuse virus disease
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