cover image: Systematic review of the cost-effectiveness of influenza immunization programs



Systematic review of the cost-effectiveness of influenza immunization programs

4 Dec 2015

The views expressed in the material are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Hospital for Sick Children, Public Health Ontario, or the province of Ontario. [...] The role of vaccines for the prevention of influenza is discussed as well as the current state of provincial immunization programs in Canada. [...] Public health agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and in Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), constantly monitor global patterns of infection, review scientific literature, and update immunization policies to help reduce the impact of seasonal influenza. [...] In either case, the burden of illness due to influenza, whether a mild infection or a severely complicated one, can be detrimental to all members of the public, as influenza infections impact the well-being of patients, the health care professionals assigned to treating the patient, and exposed family members. [...] The proper surveillance and selection of the strains is essential for the correct 6 vaccine to be produced each season since the strain of the influenza virus changes quickly over time (Gerdil, 2003).
public health influenza


Ting, Eon, Ungar, Wendy

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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