cover image: Digital citizenship policy development guide



Digital citizenship policy development guide

23 Jul 2012

The “three E’s” of learning in the 21st Century are identified by Albertans as the qualities and abilities expected of youth: Engaged Thinker: who thinks critically and makes discoveries; who uses technology to learn, innovate, communicate and discover; who works with multiple perspectives and disciplines to identify problems and find the best solutions; who communicates these ideas to others; and [...] The document points to the move toward more learner-centred learning and building of competencies with the use of technology supporting the creation and sharing of knowledge. [...] To them, citizenship demonstrated recognition of the importance of proper behaviour within the context of the school library. [...] However, at this juncture there is a serious need to address the nuances of digital citizenship, to build capacity and to develop the necessary student and teacher knowledge.” The nature of citizenship as a basis for developing digital citizenship. [...] The good of the individual and the good of the community must reside in a state of equilibrium.
security education politics school curriculum science and technology media communication communications computer security information society citizenship teachers web computer network cloud computing community collaboration further education society teaching and learning computing web 2.0 personal information the internet children's online privacy protection act internet in education acceptable use policy acceptable use policies technological literacy
9781460103500 9781460103517
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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