cover image: Hospital report 2007 : Rehabilitation



Hospital report 2007 : Rehabilitation

21 Aug 2007

PAGE 5 INTERPRETING THE RESULTS As there can be competing interests and incentives in the management of hospitals to maximize both quality and efficiency and maintain a balance of resources in the context of limited resources, no single indicator or quadrant should be used to assess a hospital. [...] Interdisciplinary Integration of Care 73.1 Evidence of Client-Centred Care 74.0 Best Practices 61.3 Coordination and Continuity of Care 65.4 Across the Continuum—All RCGs Coordination and Continuity of Care 64.6 Across the Continuum—Total Stroke Coordination and Continuity of Care Across the Continuum —Total Orthopedic Condition s 62.2 Evidence of Organizational Client-Centredness 68.6 Organizatio [...] A cornerstone of the NRS is the concept of human function and the focus of rehabilitation in assisting individuals to achieve maximum independence in daily living, be it at home or in an assisted-living facility. [...] Variations across hospitals, such as the average functional level of clients on admission to the rehabilitation program, the length of time since onset of the condition for which the client is receiving inpatient rehabilitation and the length of stay in inpatient rehabilitation, should be considered when interpreting this indicator. [...] Variations across hospitals, such as the average functional level of clients on admission to the rehabilitation program, overall client needs and the length of time since onset of the condition for which the client is receiving inpatient rehabilitation, should be considered when interpreting this indicator.
health rehabilitation best practices evaluation hospitals mathematics medicine nurses nursing health care best practice therapy continuum of care hospital health care quality outliers patient box plot making decisions outlier box plots interquartile range percentile balanced scorecard
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